Reflection Measurement Systems (CE) / SGRM-200N

This device allows the measurement of spectral reflectivity in fine areas and curvature surfaces. For lenses with curvature or ultra-thin samples such as functional sheets, high-speed and highaccuracy measurement of spectral reflectivity can be realized without being affected by reflected light on the rear surface.

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◦With a special half mirror, allows efficient reflection of light into the spectrophotometer and fast measurement even at the low reflection samples.
◦With a special half mirror, prevents reflection from the rear surface and allows accurate measurement without any treatment for the sample rear surface. (can measure for thin plate thickness of 0.3mm when using 20x objective lens)
◦Maximized the amount of light by special halogen lamp and unique optical design, allows speedy and high reproducibility measurement.
◦With very tiny area (φ50μm) measurement, allows measurement of curvature lens surface and coating uniformity.
◦Compact design for a space saving.
◦Data to be saved to Microsoft® Excel® spreadsheet.
◦Multiple measurement results can be overlaid for easy comparison. Fast analysis for good and bad.
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Catalog Code W2046
CE Yes