Wide Field of View High-NA Objective Lenses with silicon thickness compensation / PAL-10-SWIR-HRWF-Si0520

Wide field of view and high NA objective lenses compatible with large size (φ33mm) and large number of pixels camera. Operated at SWIR range (900-1700nm).

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  • The corresponding clear image over 900-1700nm can be obtained within the depth of field.
  • PAL-10-SWIR-HRWF-Si0520 and PAL-10-SWIR-HRWF-Si0775 are objective lenses for observing the underside of the silicon wafer. The aberration is corrected for silicon wafer thickness of 0.52 mm and 0.775 mm, respectively.
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Catalog Code W3231
RoHS Yes
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  • Wide field of view and high NA compatible observation barrel (OUCI-SWIR-HRWF) available separately.
  • Flare might be problem when using PAL-1-SWIR-HRWF or PAL-2.5-SWIR-HRWF with coaxial illumination. It can be reduced by inserting polarizing filter in the observation barrel (OUCI-SWIR-HRWF) and attaching waveplate unit (WP-SWIR1(*X), WP-SWIR2(*X)) to the tip of objective lens.
Numerical aperture (NA) 0.61
Actual field of view φ3.3 mm image circle φ33mm
Item name M Plan Apo SWIR HRWF Si0520 10x
Working distance (WD) 10 mm calculated as air
Weight 0.72 kg
Focal length f 20 mm
Focal depth ±1.7 μm wavelength 1.3μm
Magnification 10x
Resolution 1.1 μm wavelength 1.3μm